CRW Flooring Services


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Top Subfloor Levelling Specialist in the UK

If you are looking for sub-floor levelling services in the Hampshire or Berkshire areas, get in touch with us here at CRW Flooring. We are a subfloor specialist and take on all sorts of floor levelling jobs, whether for commercial or domestic purposes. If you wish to ask our advice on potential sub-floor levelling work, then be sure to phone or email us, and one of our experienced team members will be more than happy to help.

As a mobile flooring business, we are happy to visit you and provide you with a quote for any work you might want to be done. All our staff are fully trained, certified and insured, so you are always in good hands. Because we don’t have a showroom, our flooring services are competitively priced. So, be sure to get in touch and learn more about our sub-floor levelling service and any other sub-flooring needs you may have.