An uneven floor can lead to a plethora of problems. For example, it could lead to gaps between timber flooring installation or pull apart the planks and tiles. Often, ceramic flooring could turn bulgy or develop a lippage, while it could also tilt higher. Overall, there can be countless problems. However, this is just a glimpse.

Flexible flooring options are more forgiving, but they will also wear out faster. Therefore, it is crucial to pay undivided attention to uneven floors. This guide will help you with the essential tips and proffer a solution to the type of uneven flooring you have. Generally, a latex floor screed is a solution to all, but there’s a way to use it.

Understanding Plane And Level

There are two types of ‘uneven flooring.’

The plane is when your flooring is flat. There shouldn’t be any problem on the surface. For instance, there shouldn’t be limps, bumps, bulges, or clutter of materials around. As long as the floor is smooth, or even in a straight line, you can say that the floor is ‘plane.’ However, if there are indeed bumps, broken gaps, and such, it is not a plane floor.

On the other hand, the level of the floor is the horizontal status. If a base is elevating like a slope or slide, then it is not a levelled floor. It can be plane, but if it isn’t exactly even and there is an elevation or decline, then it isn’t a levelled floor.

So, before you start fixing an uneven floor, it is wise to determine whether you have unleveled or non-plane flooring. Fixing both these issues are called ‘levelling a floor.’

Three Best Ways To Fix An Uneven Floor

Before you learn about these methods, you’d have first to determine the problem. Then, you can use different level checking and uneven floor checking devices. A straight wooden bar usually does the trick that you can move around. A leveller with bubbles can also be a great tool to check out the unleveled floors.

Make sure to check and mark all the parts of the flooring to get a good idea. Then, you can see the maximum elevation to maximum decline in the floor. This will give you a good idea of how much levelling you need to do. If there is anything below 2 inches, you might have to get reflooring and consult an expert.

1.   Use A Self-Leveling Compound

The best solution for uneven flooring is a latex floor screed. It is a powder mix that you can pour down on the uneven flooring and let it settle down by itself. Then you can use the wooden screen to even out the floor.

A self-levelling compound like latex floor screed is excellent for a wide range of flooring. You can use it on concrete, timber, or ceramic flooring. However, there is an unconventional method for using it on each of these options. You will have to leave it for around 24 hours to dry, and it should be good to go.

A latex floor screed is suitable for up to 2 inches of difference. But if there’s more, you can apply a second layer without any problem. That’s the best part about it.

2.   Plywood Is A Great Alternative

If you want another type of flooring, plywood is a good alternative. This is an excellent option for concrete flooring. If you use plywoods, you can use its flexibility to mould and cover the uneven flooring. Generally, it is a good alternative if you don’t want to use a self-levelling compound.

It has good use mainly for more significant differences in the levelling of the floor or uneven planes. For instance, you can use plywood to cover the area if you have an excessively wavy floor (non-even planes). That’s what makes it the most effective option.

3.   Grind Down The Levels

Sanding is a technique where you primarily use sandpaper to grind down a wooden floor. For instance, if there is a lump on the wooden floor, you can use this option. Alternatively, you can also grind down the uneven concrete flooring by using other tools or sandpaper.

This is a good alternative if there are very few uneven areas that require levelling. You might not want to invest money in latex floor screed or plywoods. This is the best option available if you’re under a budget and can’t get another flooring done.

Call The Experts During Uncertainty

If you’re unsure about measuring or checking out the levelling of the floor, call the experts. A latex floor screed is an excellent DIY-friendly product. But, if you want utmost efficacy and a polished finish, it is a good idea to call experts in the field. So, if you want the best results and high value for money, call the experts. They will help you get the best flooring.